[Q3] Quiz - Informational Text

 [Q3] Quiz - Informational Text

Direction: Write the letter and the text of the correct answer.

1. Which type of informational text focuses on presenting events in a chronological order?

   a) Sequence

   b) Description

   c) Cause & Effect

   d) Comparison & Contrast


2. What type of informational text provides detailed information about the characteristics or features of a subject?

   a) Sequence

   b) Description

   c) Cause & Effect

   d) Comparison & Contrast


3. Which type of informational text explores the relationship between actions and their consequences?

   a) Sequence

   b) Description

   c) Cause & Effect

   d) Comparison & Contrast


4. What type of informational text highlights similarities and differences between two or more subjects?

   a) Sequence

   b) Description

   c) Cause & Effect

   d) Comparison & Contrast


5. Which type of informational text focuses on identifying a problem and proposing potential solutions?

   a) Sequence

   b) Description

   c) Cause & Effect

   d) Problem & Solution


6. A text explaining the steps to assemble a toy is an example of which type of informational text?

   a) Sequence

   b) Description

   c) Cause & Effect

   d) Problem & Solution


7. What type of informational text provides vivid details to help readers imagine a scene or subject?

   a) Sequence

   b) Description

   c) Cause & Effect

   d) Comparison & Contrast


8. A passage explaining how excessive sugar consumption leads to tooth decay is an example of which type of informational text?

   a) Sequence

   b) Description

   c) Cause & Effect

   d) Comparison & Contrast


9. Which type of informational text is most likely to include phrases like "on the other hand" or "similarly"?

   a) Sequence

   b) Description

   c) Cause & Effect

   d) Comparison & Contrast


10. What type of informational text discusses events or actions in the order they occur?

    a) Sequence

    b) Description

    c) Cause & Effect

    d) Comparison & Contrast


11. Which type of informational text typically features headings such as "Problem" and "Solution"?

    a) Sequence

    b) Description

    c) Cause & Effect

    d) Problem & Solution


12. A text comparing the advantages and disadvantages of using solar energy versus wind energy is an example of which type of informational text?

    a) Sequence

    b) Description

    c) Cause & Effect

    d) Comparison & Contrast


13. What type of informational text helps readers understand how actions or events lead to specific outcomes?

    a) Sequence

    b) Description

    c) Cause & Effect

    d) Comparison & Contrast


14. A passage describing the physical features of the Grand Canyon is an example of which type of informational text?

    a) Sequence

    b) Description

    c) Cause & Effect

    d) Comparison & Contrast


15. Which type of informational text might include phrases like "as a result" or "because of"?

    a) Sequence

    b) Description

    c) Cause & Effect

    d) Comparison & Contrast


16. A text outlining the steps to solve a math problem is an example of which type of informational text?

    a) Sequence

    b) Description

    c) Cause & Effect

    d) Problem & Solution


17. What type of informational text provides a detailed examination of two or more subjects to highlight their similarities and differences?

    a) Sequence

    b) Description

    c) Cause & Effect

    d) Comparison & Contrast


18. A passage explaining how deforestation leads to habitat loss for wildlife is an example of which type of informational text?

    a) Sequence

    b) Description

    c) Cause & Effect

    d) Comparison & Contrast


19. Which type of informational text helps readers understand the order of events or steps in a process?

    a) Sequence

    b) Description

    c) Cause & Effect

    d) Comparison & Contrast


20. What type of informational text outlines a problem and suggests one or more ways to solve it?

    a) Sequence

    b) Description

    c) Cause & Effect

    d) Problem & Solution




1. a) Sequence

2. b) Description

3. c) Cause & Effect

4. d) Comparison & Contrast

5. d) Problem & Solution

6. a) Sequence

7. b) Description

8. c) Cause & Effect

9. d) Comparison & Contrast

10. a) Sequence

11. d) Problem & Solution

12. d) Comparison & Contrast

13. c) Cause & Effect

14. b) Description

15. c) Cause & Effect

16. d) Problem & Solution

17. d) Comparison & Contrast

18. c) Cause & Effect

19. a) Sequence

20. d) Problem & Solution


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