
Showing posts from February, 2024

[Q3] Understanding Clear and Coherent Sentences

Understanding Clear and Coherent Sentences By Pj Miana _____________________________________ Introduction: Clear and coherent sentences are the building blocks of effective communication. They convey ideas logically and understandably, making it easier for others to comprehend your thoughts. In this guide, we will explore how to compose such sentences using appropriate grammatical structures, including verb tenses, conjunctions, and adverbs. 1. Verb Tenses:   Present Tense:  - Describes actions happening right now or regularly.     Example: "She walks to school every morning."   Past Tense:   - Describes actions that have already happened.     Example: "He played soccer yesterday."   Future Tense:   - Describes actions that will happen in the future.     Example: "They will visit their grandparents next weekend."   2. Conjunctions:   Coordinating Conjunctions (FANBOYS):  - Connects words, phrases, or clauses of equal i

[Q3] Quiz - Informational Text

 [Q3] Quiz - Informational Text Direction: Write the letter and the text of the correct answer. 1. Which type of informational text focuses on presenting events in a chronological order?    a) Sequence    b) Description    c) Cause & Effect    d) Comparison & Contrast   2. What type of informational text provides detailed information about the characteristics or features of a subject?    a) Sequence    b) Description    c) Cause & Effect    d) Comparison & Contrast   3. Which type of informational text explores the relationship between actions and their consequences?    a) Sequence    b) Description    c) Cause & Effect    d) Comparison & Contrast   4. What type of informational text highlights similarities and differences between two or more subjects?    a) Sequence    b) Description    c) Cause & Effect    d) Comparison & Contrast   5. Which type of informational text focuses on identifying a problem and